The world is now conquered by a large demon called the internet. Demon because it has hypnotized and possessed control over each and everyone in this world right now. We all are addicted to the internet, which is a good and bad thing at the same time. Moreover, we get anxious if the speed of the internet slows down. Furthermore, our condition gets even worse if the internet disables unexpectedly. To fulfill our thirst for the internet, we install Wi-fi routers and create a home network with high speed and performance.

This router needs to be assigned with an IP address, which transforms the router into an access point for all the net-enabled products. An IP (aka Internet Protocol) address is a set of digits with points to separate digits, that uniquely identifies your device when it is connects to the internet.

Check Out Other Similar IP Addresses: 


Today, we are going to talk about the IP address It is one of the IP addresses which can help establish a connection between the router and the internet. Also, is a private IP address available for networking devices like webcams, modems, and routers. belongs to a particular IP range booked from IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) for specific purposes. However, A private network needs to use Network address translation to connect to the internet.

192 router login

IANA has reserved many special address blocks for the next generation of IPv6 addresses, and often a proxy is required to access the web. Every router and modem have login credentials and an IP address that allows you to access the settings. is an IP address that can be used to access the settings of some routers like TP-Link, 2Wire, ADSL routers, Buffalo, 3Com routers, and Westell ADSL modems, to name a few. In such a network, there is restricted access to the internet. We will take you through all the essentials of you need to know. By the end of this manuscript, you’ll be a pro when it comes to So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Know More: How to Perform Time Warner Router Login

Login Guide to IP Address

For logging into, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your favorite browser.
  2. Enter the IP address ( in the search bar. You will see the login page.
  3. Enter the username and password. If you have just got yourself a new router with a private IP address, then you must have a default IP address and password. Use the following to find out the default username and password. Moreover, the credentials are usually print on the box of the router. If you don’t have the router box with you, you can simply reset the router by pressing and hold the reset button for 10 to 15 seconds.
  4. Change the SSID, even if you are using a private IP address for your network.
  5. Change the default username and password. It may be a private IP address, but you need to always ensure you make your connection secure by changing the default credentials.

And that’s it! You will be logged into

See Also: Your Default Gateway

Forgot the Default Username and Password?

It is human to forget the default username and password. No worries, we have two solutions for this very common problem faced by multiple users.

The User Manual

The user-manual contains all the essential information regarding the router. One of the pieces of the data widespread is the default username and password.

user manual

Hence, it is mandatory to preserve the user manual.

The Sticker on The Box

The default username and password have been printed on a sticker pasted at the back of the box.

router sticker

It also holds information like IP address and model number.

How to Reset the Router?

In case you forget your username and password and the above two techniques to acquire it fail. Then the only way to access the dashboard of IP address is to factory reset the router. Nonetheless, factory resetting will require you to rearrange your router and all its devices.


The ways to factory reset your router are:

  • Refer to the user manual. The user manual contains the mechanism for resetting your router.
  • The other method is to press and hold the reset button at the back of the router, and the router will be reset to its default configurations.

Read about popular router configuration:

How to Fix the Issues Related to IP?

To get into the router’s hardware portal using is a tedious process. It becomes even frustrating when everything’s going fine while following a guide, and suddenly an error pops up. Hence, we have picked the most occurring hitches and provides some simple solutions to get rid of them.

One of the errors that you might face is while establishing a connection using To prevent these issues, check the cables if you use Ethernet. Check if everything connects and secure. Tighten the cable beforehand.

fix issues

For those who are using a wireless connection, turn off your Wi-fi and reconnect. Confirm that the router is on and working properly. The flickering of green lights is the indication that the router is working correctly.

Another issue that you may face is regarding incorrect IP addresses. It indicates that you are using an incorrect IP address the entire time, or it was changed at some point in time. In this case, you need to find the correct IP address of your router. Also, don’t worry if you don’t know how to find your IP address. We have explained it to the next topic.

See also: DNS Error 80710102: How To Fix It [Complete Guide]

Common Routers Using

There is no doubt in the fact that every router has a specific IP address to connect to the internet. Moreover, there are millions of IP addresses that have different functions. Therefore, it is mandatory that the router is using the IP address as the default gateway. We have compiled some of the common devices that work using the IP Address. They are:

cisco router

How to Find the Router’s IP address?

The IP address depends on the Operating system that you’re using. We will be covering the method for Windows OS.

ip address

One way is to check using Windows settings. Just go to the network and internet settings and click on Wi-fi if you’re using wireless and Ethernet if you’re using a wired network. In the center of the display, click on the option to show the properties. Here, you will the IP address that you desired for.

Another option is by using the command prompt. Type ‘cmd’ in the search tab and open the command prompt. Type ‘ipconfig’ and hit enter. This will provide you with the IP address.


What is an admin at 192.168.10.?

The private IP address 10.10 is associated with your Wi-Fi network. You must enter this number series to access the router admin page. However, as briefly indicated, your router also has another public IP address.

Where is the router's password?

Select the Wi-Fi from the list of connections in the Network and Sharing Center's Connections section. Select Wireless Properties from the Wi-Fi Status menu. Hence, the Network Security Key box shows the login credentials.

What is the use of the WiFi administrator password?

The password can connect WiFi devices to your hotspot or WiFi. Contrarily, use the admin or router password to access the router's web interface for configuration or verification.

What is router admin?

Admin is typically the default username. However, your router's default username may differ. Routers are provided with default usernames and passwords. Hence, some routers have no login credentials.

Can you see the Wi-Fi password on mobile?

Open the WiFi & Network in the Settings option. Next to the connected or saved network for which you require the password, click either the gear or lock symbol. Now, press the Share Password button.

What is the WPA password?

A 256-bit data string makes up the WPA key. It could be created by the user and distributed as a 64-digit key. However, sharing an encryption key is relatively easy, and consumers may need help remembering.

What is a network password?

A network password is also known as a network security key. Hence, it is a digital signature that restricts access to your network for unauthorized users. You can keep a secure connection between users asking to access the network.


So, these were all the essentials that you need to know about We hope this manuscript was useful to you.

If you need more reference, you can check out these IP address:,, or

Also don’t forget to shower your valuable feedback on us. Your feedback and opinions are what keeps us motivated to keep writing. Happy browsing. Thank you and adios until next time!

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