Bringing revolution into the Windows 2000 family is the PathPing. It is an advanced feature formed by crossing two powerful utilities, i.e., Ping and Tracert utilities.

Ping is a network administrating software of a computer, more demand, and people use it for testing the reachable levels of an Internet Protocol Network. You can use the facility of a ping network can for measuring the round trip time for any message sent from the host. You can even calculate the time it takes for the echo to come back to the host who originated the news.

Let us look briefer about tracert, and it’s functionality. You can use it to record the passage or the route through which the message is sent. The word conveys from the host to the receiver.  Hence, calculating the time taken for a message to echo back. A combination of the utilities, as mentioned earlier, the PathPing utility, can be used to locate the packet loss during the information transaction. This occurs between the host and the receiver. It shall effectively find the passage of the information transfer and then executes a ping function to the nodes found during its process.

This article shall help you with understanding the essential aspects, functioning, and uses of PathPing.

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PathPing and its Aspects 

The PathPing feature sends a packet to each router as they move towards their destination. However, if you have a Arris router login, then click here to know the details. It happens through a period, i.e., hop helps in calculating results. The utility makes the host aware of the levels of packet loss that occurred in any router based on which you can identify the network problem causing routers. 

You can find the Syntax for pathping below:

pathping\[-n\]\[-h maximum_hops\]\[-

The parameters that are mentioned and frequently used while checking on the functioning of PathPing are:

  •  -n: The usage is to not resolve the addresses to the various hosts and their names.
  • -h: It helps to specify the highest number of hops that can search for the target. It has 30 default hops.
  • -g host list: It separates repeated computers by intermediate gateways.
  • -p period: It helps to to mark the limit of the number of milliseconds to wait between each turn of pings. The default is 250 milliseconds. 
  • -q num_queries: It helps to specify the maximum number of queries of a computer in the route. The basic default for the queries is 100 queries.
  • -w timeout: It is to mark the limit of several milliseconds. 
  • Target_name: It is for specifying the receiver or the final point of destination. 

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How to Run a PathPing

The entire process of running a whole PathPing is that you can run the system by opening a command prompt on the source. All you need to do is opening command prompt and accessing the path through it. You can access PathPing through the following way: 

start 🡪 run 🡪 cmd 🡪 Click command prompt or Enter key

PathPing command prompt

The person running the test, then, needs to type the PathPing script. The parameters mentioned above are the used options while writing a PathPing. There are many options for PathPing writers, though the common ones are the parameters as mentioned above. These parameters are sensitive to reduce or remove any network problem. The allowance of the Ping must conceptualize at a slow speed. 

The primary and vital aspect that person running the test needs to be utterly patient while the PathPing is running. It shall then show the results of the test, which firstly shall display the path of the network connection. Once you trace the route or path of the network, you can find the delay time. It happens along with the packet loss in every hop.

If speeding up of the PathPing, then you may include some switches to the PathPing syntax. Each PathPing, as designed, shall always resolve the hostnames that it comes during the hop period. Once you recognize, it shall, by default, send 100 queries to every host the PathPing comes across. The same default system sending the 100 questions can be stopped or disabled from doing so by entering the command: pathping -q 10 –n –p 100 <hostname> .

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Uses of PathPing 

  • The pathping utility is a combination of useful features of Tracert and Ping.
  • It is essential and time-saving in the present competitive world.
  • It performs work of two different utilities, and thus it can determine the better alternative.
  • Also, uses the ICMP protocol for sending the requests and, therefore, can be user-friendly.
  • Lastly, it helps the user to send data by using multiple routers. 


We have seen the various aspects of PathPing. We’ve seen its functioning and its uses. Understandably, PathPing utility is a cross of the useful features of Ping and Tracert. In the process of following a PathPing, we need to enter a command and a hostname, to initiate the process. This aspect marks its relation with Tracert. When this is over, the tool requires 300 seconds to gather the details and statistics. It will then lead to the result, which is the report on the latency, i.e., delay in the transfer of information by network problems.

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Thus, the more level of complications, the higher compact utility allowance. The service that exists in Windows 2000 is a life savior for the people who face such complex network issues every day in their daily lives. Mostly, offices of software analysts use it and make it an indispensable tool. 

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